Covid-19 Update:

The Law Office of Andrew A. Bestafka, Esq. is taking a safe but proactive approach to the Coronavirus situation in our law practice. We are working every day to represent our clients. We are offering frontline healthcare workers at CentraState free Simple Wills. To read more please Click Here

The days ahead may be a challenge. But we will continue to work to take care of our client’s cases and to take on new matters and clients. We will simply manage your case in less traditional, more technology-driven ways, that are safer for your health and ours.

Please stay healthy and contact us if you have any questions or concerns regarding your case or a new matter for us to consider.

Family Law Attorney Serving Red Bank

Family Law Attorney Serving Red Bank Image

If you’re preparing to file or are currently going through a divorce, you should contact the Law Office of Andrew A. Bestafka, Esq. immediately. You need an experienced lawyer in your corner to guide you through the complex legal proceedings. Our team is ready to protect your rights and fight to try to reach your desired outcome.

Choosing to end a marriage is never a simple decision. It’s an emotionally-charged situation and requires proper planning and execution. Settling matters involving child custody, property division, and other circumstances can significantly affect your life. If any disputes arise, you could face contentious and stressful litigation and courtroom battles.

At the Law Office of Andrew A. Bestafka, Esq., we understand the challenges ahead of you. We know the struggle of handling each step of the process while trying to cope with the emotional aspects of divorce. You can count on our legal team to resolve the issues related to your divorce so you can finalize the paperwork and move forward with your life.

Call the Law Office of Andrew A. Bestafka, Esq. at (732) 898-2378 today for your confidential consultation with a dedicated Redbank family law attorney.

Table Of Contents

    What Is Family Law?

    Family law is the body of civil law that deals with the legalities of family relationships. Civil proceedings like divorce, child custody, alimony, and marriage planning all fall under family law.

    A family lawyer can help with anything from prenuptial agreements to child abuse cases. We can work with couples to dissolve a marriage and equitably divide property, work with families that wish to adopt a child, handle logistics for domestic violence cases, and even handle juvenile delinquency cases.

    Types of Cases We Handle

    Red Bank Family Law Attorney

    The Law Office of Andrew A. Bestafka, Esq. represents our clients in a range of family law cases. We will provide the personalized service you need to negotiate the terms of your divorce and reach an agreement you deserve. You won’t have to deal with the complexities of your case alone. We will be by your side until the end.

    Family law matters are unique to each individual. No two clients are alike, which means your goals likely differ from someone else facing the same dispute. We will customize our legal strategy to pursue the agreements you’re happy with and place you on a path to a brighter future.

    Common family law cases the Law Office of Andrew A. Bestafka, Esq. handles include:

    • Divorce. Filing for divorce can be an emotionally charged undertaking. There may be animosity between the parties, the welfare of children to consider, and assets to divide. We can help with any and all types of divorce proceedings, including mediated divorce, contested divorce, and collaborative divorce.
    • Child custody. Determining who has charge of the children during a separation or divorce is never easy. We can help you protect your family and make sure your child’s welfare is the top priority at all times.
    • Alimony. Suppose a judge decides that payments from one partner to another are necessary for an equitable dissolution of a marriage. In that case, we can help structure the alimony, so the rights of both sides are protected with temporary payments, permanent payments, or payments that change over time.
    • Adoption. We can help families wishing to adopt a child with all the necessary paperwork and logistics.
    • Separation. Although New Jersey has no legal process for formal separation, if you and your spouse are not ready to file for divorce but still wish to formally split, we can assist with the legal aspects of your case.
    • Child support. We can help your family plan for monetary child support after a formal or informal separation and protect your rights as well as your child’s welfare.
    • Property division – Splitting assets between a divorcing couple can become an all-out war. Deciding whether you or your ex should keep the marital home, bank accounts, and motor vehicles requires a lawyer to help you resolve the disputes amicably. The Law Office of Andrew A. Bestafka, Esq. can protect your rights, so you walk away with the property you want and deserve.
    • Spousal support – Discussing a formal arrangement for support during your separation can be vital to maintaining financial stability. If you depend on your partner for basic needs, such as food, housing, and additional daily expenses, creating a spousal support agreement would be in your best interest to avoid economic burdens.
    • Mediation and arbitration – You have multiple options to resolve divorce proceedings without involving the court. You could reach an amicable agreement with the help of a mediator or resolve disputes through arbitration.

    Why Do I Need an Attorney for My Family Law Case?

    Even if you believe you and your spouse have agreed to the terms of your divorce, you could face unexpected roadblocks along the way. If you don’t seek legal representation, your arrangements could fall apart. What started as a friendly negotiation can turn into an ugly fight you’re forced to take to court.

    Divorce proceedings can be contentious and challenging to manage for all sides. Your lawyer can take an objective viewpoint and assess the needs of both parties without bias. We can help explain how the process works, warn of common pitfalls to avoid, and we can make the ordeal more manageable for you and your family.

    Your attorney is more than a source of information. We are your representative and confidant. We’ve likely dealt with family issues just like yours before, and we know how to achieve good results. We will handle the logistical workload for you so you can move on with your life.

    Family law proceedings have broad, far-reaching effects. The decisions made will likely affect your familial obligations for decades to come. You need the help of an experienced lawyer so any novice mistakes can be avoided and the right decisions are made the first time around.

    Not hiring a lawyer with experience in family law may mean losing time and money. We know the relevant procedures and rules for New Jersey civil court, and we can make sure any time spent in the courtroom is spent as efficiently as possible, saving you money on litigation and court fees.

    Why Hire the Law Office of Andrew A. Bestafka, Esq. to Represent Me?

    Andrew Bestafka is a New Jersey native with a proven record of success in family law. As a graduate of Columbia University, Cincinnati Law School, and a member of the Family Law Committee of the New Jersey State Bar Association and the Monmouth Bar Association, he has distinguished himself as an authority on family law in the state.

    After graduating from law school, Andrew worked for the Monmouth County prosecutor’s office and developed the skills, experience, and connections he needed to help him found his own firm in 2008. Since then, he’s helped hundreds of clients in Monmouth, Middlesex, and Ocean counties with their family law needs.

    Head to our Testimonials page to hear from past satisfied clients about the level of service we provide at the Law Office of Andrew A. Bestafka, Esq..

    Frequently Asked Questions

    If you’re contemplating divorce, all this family law information may be new to you. We’ve answered some of the questions we hear most often for you here.

    How much will my family law case cost?

    This is impossible to determine without a full review of your case and all relevant data surrounding it. Each case is unique. The cost of any civil proceeding varies depending on the parties’ needs and the complexity of the case. Talk to your attorney to learn more.

    My spouse and I are divorcing. Will I be responsible for their debts?

    This depends on the type of divorce and the type of assets being divided. You and your spouse will likely share responsibility for shared assets like a car or house acquired after marriage. For assets obtained before marriage, you will usually retain individual control, though this varies. Talk to an experienced attorney for more information.

    How long will my divorce take?

    Again, this varies depending on the type of divorce and assets being divided and can only be determined after a full review of your case. A contested divorce with child custody arrangements and considerable shared assets will likely take longer than a collaborative divorce with no children and few assets, though there are exceptions.

    The Law Office of Andrew A. Bestafka, Esq. has a trusted and qualified family lawyer in Redbank, NJ, to assist you with the overwhelming responsibilities of your family law case. Review the questions our clients often ask us below to help you prepare for what you might face.

    What is the difference between a contested divorce and an uncontested divorce?

    A contested divorce requires a judge to resolve disputes. Both parties agree to the terms during an uncontested divorce and can avoid litigating their cases.

    How is property divided in New Jersey?

    New Jersey is an equitable distribution state. That means the court won’t automatically split a divorcing couple’s assets down the middle. A 50/50 split isn’t necessarily the fairest way of distributing property.

    Typically, judges consider a range of factors to determine which parties should receive which asset. Common factors include:

    • Duration of the marriage
    • Income of each spouse
    • Whether the couple shares kids
    • Age and health of each person

    What should I do if my ex won’t pay child support?

    You could request a court hearing if your ex hasn’t met their obligation to provide child support payments. The judge could create a payment schedule or order immediate payment of the money your ex owes.

    Call the Law Office of Andrew A. Bestafka, Esq. Today

    If you have questions regarding divorce, child custody, alimony, adoption, or any other aspect of family law, call the Law Office of Andrew A. Bestafka, Esq. today for a confidential consultation. You’re under no obligation, and we will review your case and discuss your available options with you. Don’t wait any longer to get the help you need. Call (732) 898-2378 today.