Covid-19 Update:

The Law Office of Andrew A. Bestafka, Esq. is taking a safe but proactive approach to the Coronavirus situation in our law practice. We are working every day to represent our clients. We are offering frontline healthcare workers at CentraState free Simple Wills. To read more please Click Here

The days ahead may be a challenge. But we will continue to work to take care of our client’s cases and to take on new matters and clients. We will simply manage your case in less traditional, more technology-driven ways, that are safer for your health and ours.

Please stay healthy and contact us if you have any questions or concerns regarding your case or a new matter for us to consider.

Divorce Lawyers Serving Marlboro

Divorce Lawyers Serving Marlboro Image

Filing for divorce may seem like a difficult decision, but sometimes divorce can be the best way to achieve personal happiness, especially if your marriage simply is not working out. Over half of U.S. marriages end in divorce today, and many of these divorces can be expedited and resolved with a minimum of difficulty with the aid of an experienced attorney.

Sometimes legal intervention is necessary in your divorce because you and your spouse are having trouble agreeing on divorce terms or there are a number of aspects of divorce negotiations that just seem overwhelming. For this reason, having a qualified divorce attorney supporting you throughout the entire process can greatly alleviate your stress and worries. If you need experienced legal help with your divorce, contact our qualified Marlboro divorce lawyers at the Law Office of Andrew A. Bestafka, Esq., today by calling (732) 898-2378 to discuss how we can help you.

Table Of Contents

    Practice Areas

    Divorce Lawyers Serving Marlboro Image 2Divorce can involve a variety of negotiations and processes. Fortunately, our Marlboro divorce lawyers at the Law Office of Andrew K. Bestafka, Esq., have experience handling a myriad of unique divorce situations and are prepared to help you with the following:

    Whether you need help with just one of these or several, our attorneys have the experience and knowledge necessary to effectively help you reach a resolution.

    Contact Us

    If you are considering a divorce and need the experienced assistance of an attorney, contact our qualified Marlboro divorce lawyers of the Law Office of Andrew A. Bestafka, Esq., today by calling (732) 898-2378. We understand that every situation is unique and do our utmost to ensure that we meet your needs.