Covid-19 Update:

The Law Office of Andrew A. Bestafka, Esq. is taking a safe but proactive approach to the Coronavirus situation in our law practice. We are working every day to represent our clients. We are offering frontline healthcare workers at CentraState free Simple Wills. To read more please Click Here

The days ahead may be a challenge. But we will continue to work to take care of our client’s cases and to take on new matters and clients. We will simply manage your case in less traditional, more technology-driven ways, that are safer for your health and ours.

Please stay healthy and contact us if you have any questions or concerns regarding your case or a new matter for us to consider.

Alimony Attorney Serving Monmouth County

Alimony Attorney Serving Monmouth County Image

Nobody plans for a divorce. Often, all the involved parties want is a civil and mutually beneficial outcome. Unfortunately, this is not always the case. Law Office of Andrew A. Bestafka, Esq. understands that divorce can be a difficult time in anybody’s life, and we are here to help you through the process.

During the divorce process, the separation of finances may be one of the most challenging issues to work through. When one spouse has been supporting the other for a considerable amount of time, the court may decide that alimony is necessary. This type of support is intended to ensure that both spouses can maintain a comfortable lifestyle after their separation.

Alimony is a gender-neutral financial reward; this means that either the husband or wife may have to make payments to their spouse. In New Jersey, alimony is tax-deductible for the party making the payments and is considered taxable income for the party receiving the payments. Generally speaking, the spouse that receives the payments was financially dependent on the other throughout the marriage.

For over a decade, Law Office of Andrew A. Bestafka, Esq. has been a trusted and professional name in the Monmouth County area. We know how to sift through the multitude of chaotic factors surrounding a divorce so you can begin to move forward with your new life. If you are going through a divorce and need competent legal representation from a local Monmouth County alimony attorney, you should immediately contact us at (732) 898-2378. Our team is prepared to guide you through this process step-by-step. Do not wait any longer to learn about your rights and legal options.

Table Of Contents

    How We Can Help

    Because of the long-lasting implications of alimony arrangements, they may be hard to settle. The court considers many factors during this part of a divorce. The goal is to come to an agreement that suits both parties and allows each spouse to maintain the lifestyle they had before the divorce. At Law Office of Andrew A. Bestafka, Esq. we are prepared to help you arrange for the following alimony issues:

    • Temporary Alimony: In temporary alimony, the paying spouse is responsible for payments to the receiving spouse only during the divorce proceedings. This type of financial reward is meant to keep the receiving spouse financially stable during the divorce proceeding and to allow them time to find an alternative source of income. Once the divorce is finalized, the court will order the temporary alimony payments to discontinue.
    • Permanent Alimony: Though judiciaries are trying to move away from this type of financial reward, permanent alimony stipulates that the paying spouse must pay the other a certain amount for the rest of their life, or their spouse’s life, or until the receiving spouse remarries.
    • Modifying Alimony: Most alimony payments have a set value that continues throughout the divorce. However, either during the divorce (or after), certain modifications to the financial reward can be arranged. There are a variety of reasons that modifications are necessary, such as changes to the paying spouse’s income.  Therefore, it is important to have a knowledgeable and seasoned attorney to review your options.

    With an experienced Monmouth County divorce attorney on your side, you will be able to secure the fair alimony arrangement that is right for the specifics of your case. To speak with a Monmouth County-based divorce attorney, contact us at (732) 898-2378. Our team is ready to provide the best legal representation to help you secure your future.

    Why Do I Need an Attorney?

    For many residents in New Jersey, the legal landscape that surrounds divorce proceedings is unfamiliar terrain. The turmoil of separating from your partner can uproot your entire life. Moreover, making new financial arrangements can be an emotional tug-of-war with your spouse. You may find yourself disoriented by thorny issues (such as property division or estate rights) that compound the situation. You should not face this crisis alone, especially if you are seeking financial stability after the court finalizes your divorce. With qualified legal representation, you will have the necessary resources to receive a fair judgment.

    Hiring a local divorce attorney can help you navigate these uncharted waters. Seeking expert legal advice and representation will do more than reduce the stress of your divorce. The attorneys from Law Office of Andrew A. Bestafka, Esq. can help you to avoid making critical mistakes when seeking alimony from your ex, such as not addressing medical/credit card debt or appraising the value of an asset. Retaining a skillful local divorce attorney will level the odds of a positive outcome for your case, so you can concentrate on piecing together your new life.

    Why Choose Law Office of Andrew A. Bestafka, Esq.?

    Alimony Attorney Serving Monmouth County Image 2During a time of divorce, our law office understands that the support and advice of your friends and family members are essential. However, if you are considering filing for divorce, or if your spouse has already filed for divorce, it is crucial that you find the best legal representation in your area. At Law Office of Andrew A. Bestafka, Esq., we have served our clients in the Monmouth County area for over a decade and have earned a reputation for providing compassionate and knowledgeable representation. Our team is proud of the fact that the American Institute of Family Lawyers recognized us as one of the 10 Best Firms in Client Satisfaction in 2015. We are not merely seeking accolades though. We are simply single-minded about our ability to help our clients in their time of need.  Law Office of Andrew A. Bestafka, Esq. knows that seeking alimony from your spouse can be daunting. But we will not back down from protecting your rights. Contact us today at Law Office of Andrew A. Bestafka, Esq.. Our team of experienced experts is standing by to help you.

    Cases We Handle

    The Monmouth County divorce and family law attorneys at Law Office of Andrew A. Bestafka, Esq. have devoted their professional careers to helping clients through the tangled legal challenges of a divorce. We have handled thousands of cases through our decade-long commitment to our community. Some of the case types we are prepared to help you with include the following:

    Our attorneys are prepared to review the details of your case to help you build a successful legal strategy that fits your unique circumstances. Contact us today to learn more information.

    Frequently Asked Questions

    When pursuing alimony during a divorce proceeding, we understand that you may have questions concerning your legal options. Our team at Law Office of Andrew A. Bestafka, Esq. has compiled a few of the most common questions our clients ask. To discuss the specifics of your case, you should contact us at (732) 898-2378 to find more information about your unique case.

    What is Alimony?

    The purpose of alimony payments is to supplement the receiving spouse’s income and help them adjust a new level of income during, and sometimes after, a divorce. Usually, alimony is necessary when one spouse was financially dependent on the other. However, in most cases, alimony payments will cease after the divorce is final or the receiving spouse remarries.

    Can I still receive alimony if I get remarried?

    No. The financial reward provided by the paying spouse is designed to offer monetary support to the receiving spouse during, and sometimes, after a divorce. Alimony allows the receiving spouse time to progressively adjust to new or diminished earnings. If the paying spouse provides alimony after the divorce and the receiving spouse remarries, the payment from the former will not be necessary since the new spouse will presumably offer a new source of income.

    Why Do I have to Pay Alimony?

    Alimony is a common feature in most divorces, especially if one spouse earns substantially more than the other. Alimony payments are meant to provide financial assistance to the receiving spouse to allow time for them to adjust to their new, and often lower, level of income. These payments can change over time for different reasons, such as the receiving spouse remarrying, or the paying spouse losing a job. The best way to set up alimony payments or discuss the specifics of your case is to contact a knowledgeable divorce attorney.

    Why did my alimony payments change?

    Alimony payments, such as child support, can change for numerous reasons. Sometimes the financial situation of the paying spouse has shifted drastically. For instance, if the paying spouse is no longer employed, or the receiving spouse remarries or is promoted and has a higher level of income, then the alimony payments can be modified. To better understand your own alimony payments, immediately contact an experienced divorce attorney at Law Office of Andrew A. Bestafka, Esq..

    Contact Us

    Each of our cases is unique to our client’s individual circumstances. At Law Office of Andrew A. Bestafka, Esq., our seasoned team of divorce attorneys have served the Monmouth County community for years and is prepared to fight for your case. Do not wait any longer. Contact us at (732) 898-2378 today.